Monday, August 06, 2007


Robert is on his way to Japan with the possibility of meeting Meg and the boys !

When I close my eyes I can't even imagine what they look like now. Is Yuta's hair long or short, how much taller is Louis.....

When they were born I sat many a night and day dreaming about all the possible conversations we would have, I still do day dream about it ! A life is a long thing to live......

Robert has left with a few gifts for the boys and some pictures and he was kind enough to meet with me and try to understand what I would like him to ask or discuss with Meg. I wish that we could find a way to let me back into their lives ... I wish for that more than anything possible.

God speed Robert and Thank you from the bottom of my Heart.

Love, Dad


NYD said...
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NYD said...
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NYD said...

Jeeze, I can't type for shit. Lets hope that three times is a charm...

Glad to hear that Bob is going to bat for you. Lets hope that some of his sensibility will rub off on her and you will be reunited or at the very least, be allowed to communicate with your sons again.

My friend, and I do mean friend. You will have to come to terms with the reasons for your and Meg's anger for each other.
If you guys could manage to relate on some level of respect, it will make it all that much easier for you to attain that which you most desire. I know that sounds impossible, yet think not of yourself, but of your children.

Here's to the breezes...


superchop said...

We want to see that update brother....what is the eta?