Relationships are truly complicated but they possess a very unique feature, the truth!
Recently I have been thinking about the fact that we are all faced with unique opportunities almost every second of every day. In an earlier Blogg entry I referred to a favorite word/thought of mine, moments. I think that in some ways what I am trying to describe now relates very much to that favorite word/thought.
When you abandon your life to a choice that instinctively you know will change or reshape your destiny you are in fact exposing yourself to a new truth. I have been living through a very challenging time in my life that I am partially responsible for; in so much as I provoked the change. I however did not create the unforgiving inhuman despair that has resulted from that provocation.
Relationships are truly complicated but they possess a very unique feature, the truth...!
Only Meg and I know the truth about our relationship. Her determined efforts to strip me from my love for Yuta and Louis and the purity that inhabited those relationships have almost worked. Just as she and I know our truth, my boys and I possess the same unique feature, our own truths. That thought had almost escaped me. The purity of our love for each other is an undisputable truth. Can you imagine how forgiving that thought is and how profound it is for me while I walk slowly through this time of loss? We all possess that unique feature in every relationship we have.
A right of passage that should be treasured. We all relate differently to each other and we do so for many reasons and some times for no reason at all but only we know its truth.
Meg must live with the truth and that must be a terrible load to carry even for someone as cold hearted as her. And I must also live with the truth. I often think about how I would love to trade places with her so that I could be with Yuta and Louis and for that reason I would obviously but I would never want to trade truths.
Yuta and Louis, I love.
Love, Dad
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