If I had known
I would of loved you even more
I would of enjoyed your laughter and smiles even more
If I had known
I would of said yes even more
I would of given you even more
If I had known
I would of taught you to be even stronger
I would of taught you to love even more
If I had known
I would of spent even more time listening
I would of spent more time teaching and playing
If I had known
On bended knee I pray, I didn't know !
1 comment:
Hey buddy it's good to see that you're back and writing again. Hope the move went smoothly and youare all settled in.
Your post makes it sound as if you feel you could have been a better dad. No way man! When describing you to people I ALWAYS use the term, superdad. You gotta have faith man, faith. Your kids know you're out there and they know that you love 'em.
Stay cool and enjoy marking out the new digs.
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