Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Still words....

Getting back into the trend of writing again.

Comimg into the holiday season and wish i could spend it with both of you! I wonder what is on your wish list?
Can't wait to be able to share this time with you in the future.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Words without images!

Been a while since I last blogg, nevertheless you have played an important part in everyday that I have lived.
I have lost access to my mac and didn't bother to try and blogg from my work computer. What has changed? I still haven't replaced my mac but now have access via my ipad.

I was skimming through my many posts and realize that i have been at this since 2006 and hat so much has happened throughout the years!

I have changed companies a few times (too many times) but have managed to keep moving forward. I am married, this you knew and have had a beautiful baby girl (your sister), her name is Mia darisse bedard. She is beautiful and is looking forward to meeting you both some day soon. We often look at your picture and ask what you might be thinking or doing........

Natalie misses you both as well and is looking forward to seeing......

Well some things have not changed, i miss you terribly and think of you both all the time. Louis you just had a birthday and yuta yours is just around the corner.

