Better to act than just think and worry... If there were post on this blogg for every time I prayed, cried, smiled or thought about the 2 of you this would be the longest blogg ever published.
But instead I simply go on living my life and hope that somehow you know how much I love you both.
Talking with you both was a beautiful yet peculiar experience, hearing your voices and hearing how healthy and strong you sounded was amazing! But hearing how disconnected you are with the time I spent in Japan (with and without you) was strange. I lived there for almost 10 years and have many great memories - most of them with you. We were always together, I was there for you both through so many nights and days and that somehow didn't seemed to resonate in your voices - and I know why! I am not trying angry with you but understand how deep the manipulation reaches. Recently Judges here in Canada recognized that what your mother has done and is doing is wrong and they understood that my rights as your father have been purposely ignored and manipulated... Finally a voice of reason. Because this whole ordeal has been ridiculous... I hope that you remember how much I love you, Oh do I love you both and miss you so much. I dreamt the other day that we were together in Hawaii and we were just hanging out and talking, we were together again face to face and that dream was amazing.
I love you both soooooooo much!